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[Citizen] Demand
XJedi FORUM: Online lightsaber fighting game > > Republic - 04.2017 > Получение гражданства Республики
Я ознакомился с Конституцией Республики и обязуюсь руководствоваться ею во всех ее действиях

I was offered an invite to join the republic once again by my friend Goodly, and i gratefully accept so have written an application.

Since i have been in the republic before my previous application is probably still in the archives, but i will answer any further questions that people may have or would like to know about me.
Weren't you in Empire just a few days ago?
Yes, however i have reasons as to why i left the Empire.
Will you tell us?)
Yes =), my reasons for leaving the Empire wasn't down to it being a bad clan or anything. But one of the main reasons that has kept me on this portal for such a long time and joining different clans is because of friends. I did have a few friends in EMP however they have either left or gone inactive and i felt quite alone being in EMP and didn't really feel like part of the clan which made me come to the decision of leaving and trying to find somewhere were i had more friends _a1.gif and actually feel like im part of the clan.

And from being in REP before you guys were very friendly and i have many friends that are active in REP also.
Do you know what vote will be from me? _a1.gif
But i have a few questions... How will you communicate with your clan mates? Because some of them can`t speak english at all.
And where you want to go if you will become a citizen? JO or AR and why?
Hey Goodly:)

I remember when i was in REP before, i was added to their Skype group so i could communicate with everyone, and i also had a translator on my Skype which translated all russian/ukrainian into english for me, so i understood what everyone was saying _a1.gif.

And i would like to go to the JO, i think it fits my persona alot more:) as i rather see myself more as a peacekeeper than a soldier or fighter. Also i have alot more friends in the Order)
Though my eyes are still bleeding after Goodly's
Are you know

I want to ask 1 more question:
Are you planing to stay in Rep for a long time? Or u'll leave in a month or two, after some of your friends disappear?
(Taviscaron @ 22.12.2015, 16:37) *

Though my eyes are still bleeding after Goodly's

I want to ask 1 more question:
Are you planing to stay in Rep for a long time? Or u'll leave in a month or two, after some of your friends disappear?

LOL good effort goodly xD, and i do not wish to leave REP i will stay for a long time. I would probably still be in REP now, but i got kicked due to inactivity + not having a holocron. But now i have both of those things biggrin.gif and regarding my friends in the REP if they are too leave that is their choice i will still remain in the Republic.

I was wrote it in the morning so i was sleepy! biggrin.gif
I have fixed up this sentence) What a shame...

Demand, can you write your impression about all clans on xjedi?
And try to describe yourself.
Why did you choose Republic? There are a lot of other clans
Okay starting with clans:

Anf : Anf still is the strongest clan on the portal in my eyes, they have some of the best players such as Rodni, Ars, Umka, El Chyrko and others but they are currently suffering badly from inactivity but they are making an improvement in terms of activity. But having been in Anfor myself they are a very friendly clan and defiantly should be the most feared _a1.gif.

SG: SG was my first clan on the portal but the SG now is alot different to what the SG was back in 2010/2011 xD, in terms of the people that are in it many of the old SG members have left, and the clan is very come and go one minuet it will be active and the next it will become inactive.

MAN: I have not much to say about MAN as i never spoken to anyone in the clan before or know much about the clan other than that they've been around when i started playing back in 2008/2009, in terms of strength they have never really been that strong. But they have always been a very active clan and its good to see that they have returned _a1.gif.

Death Cult: It's only taken them almost 8 years to finally register their clan on the portal xD, i remember the old death cult back when i was playing and they used the tag "+|()". There's not much to say about them since they haven't really changed much but they are probably at the moment the strongest clan on the portal in terms of the players that they have Sanguis, Shox, Despair etc...

Black Sun: Have been around since i've been playing also, they have some strong players and are currently the most active & strongest clan in terms of rating on xjedi but that is also because of the amount of active players they currently have ad.gif. They are also friendly aswell, i have one or two friends in their. Apart from that i dont have much to say about them.

Galactic Empire Being my most recent clan the Empire was making a good comeback, overtaking rep in Finance rate & almost being the strongest clan in the portal in ratings and even the return of the Sith Order, however alot of people seemed to leave the Empire recently, and the clan's activity is decreasing. Besides that, the empire was a friendly clan and has potential to be great.

REP: The Republic is making a really big comeback, the return of the Order the increase in activity the republic can definatley be the strongest clan in the portal. With players such as Forget Me Not, Khadgar, Tavi, Wergon, Persey all very strong players the republic will be a force to be reckoned with ai.gif. Also it is probably the friendliest clan on the portal _a1.gif and it is where i have met the majority of my friends from the republic & ZS|LTS (LOTR,Wergon). I see the republic achieving great things!

And as for the other newer clans, such as disciples, No mercy, The Lols and Star Warriors i dont have much to say about them as i have not spoken to anyone in them clans before.

@ Konstianchik, I have thought about other clans such as BS,SG and even Anf to join. But then i dont want to join a clan that i will leave again in 1 or 2 months, i want to join a clan that i will stay in for a very long time and try to make progress within it, and the republic is the best clan for me as i have friends that will be able to help me and guide me when i am stuck or need help.

For all of you that dont know me, my real name is Reuben im 17 years old i currently live in South London Croydon. I work as an IT Systems Administrator, managing servers & databases. I've been playing on the portal since 2008/2009 i started off with a different account called "Buzzshock", my previous clans have been, [ ZSLTS, SG, Anf] (Under Buzzshock).
[ WoD, Rep and EMP ] (Under Demand).

Enjoy the big read xD took me a while to write lol.
Hey, glad to see you here.

(Demand @ 22.12.2015, 15:54) *
but i got kicked due to inactivity + not having a holocron.
Oh, okay, I didn't know that. But why did you choose the Galactic Empire right after that? What was the attraction?
i vote YES _a1.gif
(Lotr @ 22.12.2015, 22:59) *

Hey, glad to see you here.

Oh, okay, I didn't know that. But why did you choose the Galactic Empire right after that? What was the attraction?

I decided to choose EMP because they were very active and after I was kicked from REP, I took a long break from the game and when I returned REP was really low in activity it only had about two or three active players and I didn't want to join a clan where I would be the only one playing _a2.gif
Just interesting(you may not answer, cuz I've already voted), what can you say about Lady on your profile photo? What character from Star Wars universe she looks like?
(Nikooz @ 23.12.2015, 17:04) *

Just interesting(you may not answer, cuz I've already voted), what can you say about Lady on your profile photo? What character from Star Wars universe she looks like?

I don't actually know who she is lol, i just typed in star wars pics on google and saw that and thought why not xD.
Well that's fair enough, i guess. Still a bit disturbing them being our permanent enemy and all that _a1.gif

(Demand @ 22.12.2015, 15:54) *
i do not wish to leave REP
I hope you mean that.

I say Aye! (за)
Tell me all what you think/know about Xenomorf
If you nothing know about him, try to find more information from other players. good luck.
We'll wait ntil 23:00 (GMT +2).
(Teddy @ 24.12.2015, 20:45) *

Tell me all what you think/know about Xenomorf
If you nothing know about him, try to find more information from other players. good luck.

Okay so i have found out, Xenomorf has been in clans, SG, BS, Camelot. Camelot was formed on 16th Feburary 2012. You were also in camelot, but when the leader Prestissimo left Camelot, Xenomorf went to join BS, and you went to join Rep.
Добре, що не полінувався щось пошукати.

Welcome back, Demand _a1.gif

Вітаю, тебе прийнято до клану!

Дозволь скористатись нагодою і трохи прискорити твою адаптацію в Республіці. Організація у нас велика, тому, щоб не витрачати дарма час, рекомендуємо звернути твою увагу перш за все на наступні питання:

  • Ти подав заявку до нашого клану і проявив бажання стати його частиною. Твоє бажання задовольнили, тепер ти - член Республіки. Ти свідомо й добровільно вирішив взяти на себе відповідальність за свої дії і вчинки та прийняв на себе обмеження яких вимагає Конституція Республіки та правила тої організації, частиною якої ти став. Будь ласка, виправдай виказану тобі довіру і не ганьби ім'я Республіки. Детально про це написано в голокроні "Подолання Нерозсудливості", також слушні поради знайдеш в голокроні одного з Магістрів. Якщо коротко, то просто не неси надмірний негатив в грі і на форумі. Не реагуй на провокації. Проявляй розсудливість та повагу до інших гравців і будь гідним представником нашого клану.
  • Республіка - один з найстаріших кланів Порталу. Це єдиний клан котрий жодного разу не видалявся з ЮАГу. Відтак ми уже багато років справно платимо чималу абонплату аби й надалі підтримувати своє існування. Це дорого обходиться і з кожним місяцем статки нашого фонду стають все скромнішими. В той самий час в нашому клані перебувають в середньому 40-60 гравців! Коли хоча б половина з них матиме фінансовий голокрон або вносиме до казни від 3000 куагів, то проблема з абонплатою відпаде миттєво. Лише половина гравців. Та такого не відбувається, що змушує мене звертати твою увагу на тему "Republic Fund". Зі станом нашого фонду можна ознайомитись з щомісячного звіту Міністра Фінансів.
  • Наший клан існує на ЮАЗі вже близько 7 років, при цьому стабільно в ньому перебуває найбільша кількість гравців в порівнянні з будь-якою іншою організацією Порталу. Безумовно, щоб підтримувати й розвивати таку велику організацію деяким гравцям доводиться докладати багато зусиль. Ми пропонуємо й тобі внести свій внесок в майбутнє клану. В "Центрі Зайнятості" ти знайдеш перелік актуальних вакансій і оголошень які одразу введуть тебе в курс справ в клані. Проявляй активність та ініціативність, це частина угоди. _a1.gif
  • Ми маємо власну конференцію в скайпі. Це "місце", де соклани можуть просто поспілкуватись один з одним і мають змогу отримати свіжі новини стосовно життя клану і порталу в цілому. Якщо ти зацікавлений і хочеш приєднатись, то просто виконай інструкції з теми "Республіканська Конференція".

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